Bianca is a loud-mouthed, hot-tempered, spunky, brazen, independent young woman, who is frequently brash and occasionally rude. She is a hell-raising spitfire with something to prove and is all too willing to arrive to her destination via impulsive punching and kicking.
While she is quick to anger and take action, full of vengeance, resentment, and bitterness, she is surprisingly just as quick to forgive. Being prone to lash out and pick fights, however, does not seem to inhibit her ability to be fiercely loyal and protective of the ones she loves.
Much like any wolf in a pack, Bianca will do nearly anything to defend anyone who is in her metaphorical wolf pack. This draws out her deep unwavering love and bottomless empathy that sometimes ends in heartbreak, but most often ends with indestructible bonds that empower her and those she shares them with.
Like many deeply empathetic individuals, Bianca suffers from existential pain and wounds, that might never heal, if she continues to engage in her many self-destructive habits. Her habits though, are a side effect of loving and giving too much, creating those aforementioned wounds. Unable to heal them, she turns to other vices, smoking, drinking, and sedatives being her preference.
Of course, every empathetic person has their reasons for why they are the way they are and Bianca is no different. Her reasons come from the abilities she inherited from her familial ties.
As an Avery child, she has a connection, a psychic and spiritual one. This connection, manifests in each Avery a bit differently, but in Bianca it allows her to utilize all forms of divination to predict the future, gain insight, and fortify those around her with sacred knowledge that she unearths with her divining tools. Every form of divination is taken to a much deeper, higher, enhanced level, beyond that of the usual fortune teller, when Bianca is divining.
It remains unclear why the Avery family has this mysterious connection that allows them to master certain mystical, magical and esoteric abilities, but it is undeniable.